Hi! Welcome to Yet Another Value Blog (substack).
Hello and welcome to Yet Another Value Blog.
Who am I? I’m Andrew Walker, a portfolio manager at Rangeley Capital and the host of Yet Another Value Podcast (available on Spotify, iTunes, YouTube, or most other podcast platforms). You can follow me on Twitter here.
What can you expect to find on this site?
Well, I used to have a long preamble that would tell you exactly that…. but I recently published my vision for my whole Yet Another Value Empire in this post, so I’d encourage you to check that out to see what I’m planning on doing this year.
One part of the Yet Another Value Empire is the premium service, where I generally put all of my individual stock ideas behind a paywall. In addition to those premium posts, premium members get access to a transcript of every podcast. If you like the free site, I suspect you’ll like the premium site and would encourage you to subscribe, but there’s never any pressure to do so! The majority of posts will always remain free.
Why do I write so much? Well, writing helps me think, and I just really enjoy it. I’ve also found the network that my writing has helped build to be invaluable, and I love to hear feedback from readers!
This blog expresses my own thoughts, musings and opinions, and does not necessarily represent the views of Rangeley Capital; I encourage you to take my word about that, but please feel free to also check out our Legal and Disclaimer. If you have questions about Rangeley Capital, you should contact my colleague Rob Sterner rsterner@rangeleycapital.com.