One thing I try not to do (either in general or on this blog) is navel gaze. While I’m always obsessed with whatever I’m doing, I understand that readers are generally here for commentary on the markets and value ideas. So I try not to bore readers with posts about my plans / goals for the Yet Another Value media “empire” (or my personal life) unless there are big changes coming (like launching a podcast or something!).
However, I’ve bargained with myself that I can break that “no navel gazing” rule once a year: at the start of every year, I like to do a post laying out my vision for each of my various platforms (my twitter account, this blog, the podcast, and the premium service) and my goals for each of them (and I might also throw in some personal goals / ideas as well!). I’m brain storming / workshopping this year’s navel gazing article(s) and plan on releasing them in the next week or so.
Spoiler alert: no huge changes for anything in the new year. I’m really happy with how all of the pieces of the “empire” are performing and how they’re working for me as an investor….. But there are some tweaks I plan on making and some goals I’d like to hit on the blog, professional, and personal side.
Why am I mentioning this? Because I’d love to hear from you! If there’s something that would increase your enjoyment of what I do, I’m very open to suggestion. For example,
On twitter: would you like to see more quick tweets on strange things I’m seeing (like this one on CURO / KPLT)? More photos of Penny? Less tweets about Christmas Movie wars?
On the blog: are there any articles in particular you enjoy or don’t enjoy? Would you like to see more posts focused on specific stocks? More timely “there could be opportunity posts” (like this one on SPWH)? Or more posts that just generally discuss an industry? More SPAC stuff? Less SPAC stuff?
On the podcast: are there any particular companies you’d like to see covered? Any guests that you’ve particularly enjoyed or haven’t enjoyed, or someone you’d really like to see come on the podcast? Was having a three man conversation (like this one with Sleep / Enlightened on ALLY) better or worse than normal (I enjoyed it, but the conversation is definitely a little clunkier with three people instead of two!)? The podcast generally focuses on individual companies, but I’ve occasionally stepped outside that for sector overviews (like this one on TMT with Andrew Freedman). Would you like more sector overviews, or really just want complete focus on individual stock picks (I loved that conversation, but want to be responsive to what listeners want)? I’ve had a few SPAC sponsors on (like Martin Werner from DD3); would you like more SPAC sponsors or do you find those episodes less valuable?
On the personal side: I’ve got a few goals in mind for the new year (lots of the typical “eat better”, “spend more time with family”, “read more stuff that will stay with you (books) and less stuff that won’t matter in a week (news)). Anything you’re doing that you think I’d be interested in?
Those are just some thoughts off the top of my head, but I’m open to any and all suggestions. Please lob them my way, and I look forward to navel gazing with you soon!
PS- if you’re interested in reliving the past, you can find my goals for 2021 on the podcast here and the blog side here.
The blog is great as it is! No need to make any major changes.
Would be awesome if you could do a show with LibrarianCap on SWMA or PMI (or tobacco in general)!